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portrait cat blue eyes

On a mission to save lives.

Save a cat and choose to adopt.

When you choose to adopt a cat, you'll be saving a life in need and be giving them a second chance. You will also be helping to reduce the demand for kitten mills and other commercial breeding facilities that employ cruel practices.

Cat of the Month



Panda is a sweet boy but needs time to trust again and feel safe. He loves to be pet and to spend time with you. Panda was rescued with his right hand broken now only has a not noticeable limp.
He needed 2 surgery to protect his eye from exploding but now is doing great.

1. Name / Panda

2. Date of birth/ June 2022

3. Gender: male

4. Short hair

5. Breed/Colour/Markings: Tuxedo - Black & white

6. Medium size

7. Neutered / May 2023

8. Vaccinated (FVRCP)? Yes / October 2022

9. Rabies? / Negative

14. Please describe his/her/their personality in as great detail as you can by answering the following questions:
a) Are they playful?
Yes he is
b) Do they get along with other - cats,
Yes he is
- dogs (if you know),..
Don't know
- children?
Don't know
c) Do they like to sleep with you at night?
d) Are they lap cats?
Yea, but when he wants
e) Can you pick them up?
f) Are they chatty or quiet?

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